My Struggle with Facebook’s Algorithm and other things

Now that we all know that the algorithm going to get you, so can one take advantage of this and get better shopping options or maybe better feeds with happier crap in them? So I have set out to scroll slowly on anything cute and funny and if it has anything neg I scroll fast past it. So this was my first teknique I have started tusing and hey what do you know my feed is a much happier place.

So now I am looking for a couch so I look at furniture posts and even interact with an AI sort of chat to get tips what my style might be. Combined with my slow purpose scroll and I am seeing a nice selection of products. But I’m still discovering my own online shopping is getting me closer to what I’m looking for, so it is who is paying for my attention, and some places have a reputation and don’t need the feed to get through.

So where does this leave me…still looking for the right couch that friends can crash on so maybe it’s time to see what google and leave the FB feed. But I will say the more you give into negative the more the algorithm is going to get you. So tread lightly and be aware of your screen time, not just FB time.